Key Enviro Solutions Ltd always commit to ensuring a safe and healthy environment for employees, clients, contractors and others affected by our activities. Key Enviro Solutions are committed to the prevention of ill health and injury and continuously aim to improve our management and performance.
Key Enviro Solutions will manage our Health & Safety by:
1. Preventing accidental injuries and ill health by making suitable assessments and implementing appropriate control measures that are reasonably practicable.
2. As a minimum KES will comply with, all health and safety legislative requirements applicable to our activities, together with any client specific requirements.
3. Setting corporate health and safety objectives annually and by reviewing progress towards these at all management meetings.
4. Consulting with employees on matters affecting their health and safety and encourage active participation to maintain and improve standards.
5. Provide and maintain safe and healthy premises.
6. Providing and maintaining safe work equipment,
7. Ensure safe handling and use of substances;